


特别是,一个非常强大方式或构成通过空间影响其使用者的就是它影响行人的出行。 任何空间都足够复杂,可以描述成为一种空间构成,不同层级空间的形式,有些更具有主导性和战略性有些则处于次要地位。 这些战略性主导性的,一般来讲具有更易于访问的空间,往往会比其他孤立的空间更加吸引行人出行这一点Bafna空间句法中做出了很好的介绍Bafna,2003年)

One of the key methods of analysis used in space syntax research is  a graph-based technique that is able to identify and represent this varying pattern of more-to-less strategic spaces. Although such techniques were not originally developed as tools for predicting pedestrian movement, it has been found that there does exist a powerful relationship between movement and spatial structure and so this graph-based analysis may be used to predict relative rates of pedestrian flow. It is this predictive ability of space syntax analyses that has caused it to be adopted  as a design tool by many architects and urban planners. 

The terms space syntax betrays its early analogies to linguistic theories. It was felt that, just as there is a limited combination of words, which can be assembled into a meaningful sentence, there are a limited number of meaningful spatial configurations. 
Although it is possible to generate (using generative algorithms) a near-infinite number of, for example, building plans, only a small number of these bear any relationship to real-world designs (Hillier, 1996). The linguistic analogy is that although it is possible to randomly generate grammatically correct sentences, only a small number of these would make any sense. The conclusion is that configurations of 
spaces have not only a grammar, but also  a ‘syntax’: the pattern of relationships 
between spaces. It is this pattern of spatial relations that permit configurations to be 
meaningful and it is hypothesized that people have an innate ability to ‘read’ or 
comprehend these meanings. It is this aspect of attempting to understand how the 
meaning of spatial environments is communicated that connects space syntax to other 
academic fields interested in environmental cognition. How is it that a spatial 
configuration becomes meaningful? How are meanings transmitted? How are the 
understood? What range of meanings is encapsulated? 
By starting to ask such questions, the centre of space syntax research starts to shift 
its emphasis from society as a whole (i.e.  the origins of space syntax) to a line of 
enquiry that is firmly focused on the individual. And this, in turn, can be seen as the 
start of the journey which leads to a potential convergence with disciplines such as 
 A configuration, in space syntax terminology, is a set of spatial relations in which each 
relationship affects, and is affected by, all others; the modification of any single spatial 
relation, will have an affect on the whole configuration. Usually, a configuration is of such 
complexity that words do not exist to describe it in the way that words such as ‘adjacent’ and 
‘between’ can be used to describe a more simple spatial relationship. 
3psychology that have their origins in the relationship between an individual and their 
context. Along this journey, there have been certain significant landmark events.